Ajaokuta - conclusion

Photo credit: Metropolitan Museum of Arts

With his relocation to Lokpa KC and I saw Uche more often as we were always there in Lokpanta for various reasons. 

At some point, Uche asked what my favourite thing from Lokpa was and I told him that I loved the white palm kernel called “Aki nkukoro” in my dialect. I think it’s the baby palm krenel because when it’s cracked, usually with a stone, the nut inside is white and tender. 

Uche was quite generous and brought these nuts anytime he visited us in Enugu. After a few more visits, he said to me that he would like to marry me which I politely declined. I told him that he would find someone right for him and wished him well. Oh how I missed my "aki nkukoro" afterwards. Lol

The next time I saw Uche, he had fully embraced his life in the village: he had become the most popular DJ at that time in Lokpanta and very much sought after. He told me that he was married and I was very happy for him, I gave him what I had as a wedding gift.

He still visited KC all the time; they were still quite close. Uche had also stopped thinking that we could be married and so I became like a confidant to him, he could share with me some of his challenges.

Life took us different directions, I got married and my trips to Lokpanta were replaced by my trips to Onitsha, KC left the country and we both no longer saw Uche that much. 

After some years of not being in touch with him, we received the very heartbreaking news: Uche had died in a car accident. 

The intriguing part of the story was the event that led to his death. In Lokpanta, when a keg of palm wine bursts open, it is seen as a bad omen.

On this particular day, Uche’s friend was going to officially ask for a lady’s hand in marriage, one of the several kegs of palm wine to be presented to the bride’s family suddenly exploded splashing palm wine all over the place and on people, especially on Uche. 

Since it was a sign of something bad to happen, some of the delegates cancelled the trip. When a second keg of palm wine exploded, more people backed out from the trip but not Uche-the ever loyal friend.

I am not superstitious but seriously after the second explosion one would have to think twice. Uche went back home from their meeting point, changed into fresh clothes, came back and got into the vehicle which was being driven by a guy who was already intoxicated by palm wine. 

He never made it to their destination. Uche died on the spot leaving behind a very beautiful young wife who had looked forward to a life of bliss with a very good man. 

KC and I visited Uche's widow to pay our last respect to our dear friend. I looked at the spot where his body was buried and then looked at his young widow as she sat with shaven head and I could think of was Ajaokuta Steel Industry. If only.....

Rest in peace Uche Nwa OnyeomaChi!


  1. Well narrated heart wrenching story��

  2. RIP Uche! I knew him personally...he was a nice guy!

  3. RIP Uche! I knew him personally...he was a nice guy!

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