Love over All- Conclusion


Dave's mother asked him to eat first before he spoke to his father but he refused to do anything if he was not informed of the findings about his bride to be Stella’s family. His father and two of his uncles sat him down and divulged to him every piece of information that they got of Stella’s family.

Two things were wrong; Stella’s great grandfather shared the same father with Dave’s great grandfather, by virtue of that they were blood related and should not be married. Secondly, Stella’s great grandfather was banished from their village for getting his father’s young wife pregnant. All ties to him and his family were severed and he started another life in a place that was once a forest.

He was a warrior and won many women from neighbouring villages as prizes for his victory in fights. He had many more children and formed his own community which he headed with his father’s young wife who became his main wife until his death. Stella knew nothing about the history of her family, the only time she ever visited her village was when her mother was laid to rest.

Dave left the following day and when he met Stella later that day the one thing he begged of her was to consummate their relationship before their wedding. They had enjoyed a pure healthy relationship all these years. Without questioning him, she accepted even though she was worried; he had never asked her for sex in all the years that she had known him. She had accepted to be his wife and felt it was no big deal yet she battled with her conscience for she knew that it was not right before God.

It was an enjoyable experience for both of them and for the first time in two days Dave had a reason to smile again. He held Stella in his arms and told her that it was worth the wait and made her promise that nothing would come in between them.

Later that night, he narrated to her all that his father and uncles said to him in the village. Stella promised him that none of the rubbish talk would make her stop loving him. It was love over all for her and she promised to stay with him through thick or thin.

Stella eventually passed her professional examinations later that year and it was time for Dave to face his family once more. Stella’s father and step mother were unperturbed and gave their blessings but Dave’s parents have vowed never to let such atrocity be committed by their son and would rather live like they never had him as a son than let him marry Stella.

The couple are adamant  and planning to get married with or without Dave’s parents.

Me: The banishment part of the story may not deter a couple in love from getting married but the blood relationship part of it is what worries me. One may argue that it is a distant blood relationship but to me blood is much deeper than we know it. Nonetheless, I cannot advise them not to marry because it will be falling on four deaf ears. They should discover things for themselves.


  1. Hmmmmnnnnnn.... Nawa o. Can't handle this.

  2. Pls know that in the first place we all are family from same blood whether close or far apart. Almighty God created Adam and Eve then how come the world is populated now? Think about that and let the couple be...... 👍

  3. Hmm, well the reason we aren't supposed to marry blood relatives is mainly because of possible health issue that may affecttheir decendants.

    Research the European monarchies of old then you will understand. They used to marry their first cousins..

  4. Hmmmmmmm. Kent deal mbọk 🚶‍♀️

  5. Nna na waoh. I don't know what to advise on. If they want to marry let them marry. The distance is far small. I pray they make good couple

  6. some parts of world, cousins marry ooo...Eg. Iran and some other Mediterranean states

    1. Not just in Iran and other mediteranian also in northen Nigeria

    2. Not just in Iran and other mediteranian also in northen Nigeria

    3. Not just in Iran and other mediteranian also in northen Nigeria

  7. No big deal...distant relations...besides before the world grew to its population and before migration people were marrying relations.....they should be together if they want long they are not closely related

  8. serious matter o. There is no straight answer or thots or advice for this one o. I wish them well actually, but unfortunately, they seemed to be repeating history. They are kind of suffering for what their ancestors did and now their own decision may one day affect their own descendants. It is well with them sha. Intriguing story Lilea 👌 (well, as usual)

  9. As far as I am concerned we all are related as Children of God. We are all of God the father. Joint-heirs with our Lord Jesus Christ.

    So this story of blood relatives doesn't count here cos it's 3rd - 4th generation relationship we are talking about here. My father and mother shared shared ancestry down the family tree line. They have been married for close to 50years now nothing happened.

    Please let them very well go ahead and get married Biko!

  10. Ido takwuru na amu. ...... don't know what to say let their decision guide them with God

  11. This is a case of incest no matter the gap in the relationship. Dave should be careful in handling the position of his parents to avoid imposing curse on himself as long as they have termed it a taboo for two of them to marry. They should not be carried away by the the love they have developed for each other.

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