The Beginning of the End

Photo credit: vanguard news

I thought magun was the diabolical sticking together of a man and woman in an illicit affair
but news has it that there is a new kind of magun; magun of the mouth!

I watched a video recently of two adults who kissed and then got stuck in the lips, they just couldn’t get their lips to separate. Who says there is no evil in AFRICA?

I will never understand why Africans will excel more in evil than in good. I keep saying it, if you suspect or actually confirm that your spouse is cheating; why not just take a walk if you cannot forgive.

I watched the two victims of magun of the mouth and saw that they were in so much pain. The more they tried to pull away from each other the more it hurt.  I saw tears flow freely from the woman’s eyes and I could tell that those tears were not of shame but pain.

In a similar story, a woman placed the magun on her husband and the randy husband was stuck to their landlady, poor things. That should be some cheering news for the womenfolk; in the past magun was only placed on the women. 

Thanks to a forward thinking witch doctor, the women are now able to get their own pounds of flesh. Lol. Let the sticking together begin.

Someone confided in me that he once slept with a woman in the woman’s home and till date it has been his most terrifying experience. The woman’s husband was very well known to him and others as very vicious and mean. Story had it that he maltreated his wife and always said to her that she should be happy and consider herself lucky to be married to a wealthy man like him.

This young man first started visiting their home as a representative of a company that had a business transaction with the family. He always met the wife at home and they got very friendly. She started to confide in him and on a certain day with the husband out of town, he went for his usual business and madam was home alone as usual. She had planned for that moment because she wore a strange gown (a silky house robe I suspect).

She invited him into the bedroom to check out an issue on her desktop (someone is guessing that the guy works for an IT company. Lol!). As soon as they stepped into the bedroom, she dropped her robe and was just like Eve before she ate the forbidden fruit. 

He couldn’t resist and went straight for the apple. This guy said that the evil of what he did came upon him the moment he exploded inside her. A certain fear gripped him and he imagined that there could be a magun spell on the woman.

His worst fear came to reality when he tried to pull out but couldn’t, he started sweating before he realised that his mind was only playing tricks on him. Madam had him in a tight grip and wouldn’t let go, he said he called in sick and went straight home to sleep. 

The next day he read on social media of a couple who were glued together by magun, they were caught in the woman’s home. The husband suspected his wife and a school teacher and then pretended that he was going on a trip.

The young man kept thinking that the same thing could have happened him and he was grateful that his own story was different. He vowed never to engage in such again and asked his company to assign another client to him.

Back to the issue on ground, for those who think that kissing is not as bad as the “other one” hmm.., to be forewarned is to be fore-armed. The same punishment applies to both the big sin and the small sin in this case. 

It will not be a surprise if a magun for hugging surfaces; you get stuck by the belly. Lol! The MVP magun will be the one for phone. Phone magun, how will it work? When a spouse casts a spell of magun on an unsuspecting spouse's phone everything will show on the phone of the one who cast the first spell. 

All the dirty conversations, nude pictures and all will appear on the spouse’s phone. Hahahahaha! Some people are already sweating. Moreso, such pictures and conversations will never delete, they will resurface on any new phone, the only solution will be to never own a phone again.

This may finally be the beginning of the end of infidelity.


  1. Agha dawa!! I don't think we need the threat of magun to ensure fidelity in marriage. Knowing that the holy spirit has declared our bodies as His temple should be enough restraint. Maka njo ogbugbu😁.

  2. Hahahahaha nice ending beginning of the end of infidelity.

  3. Nice story. Keep it up. We will keep sharing.

    Magun...what a way to catch cheating partners. I think its better to walk away than to descend so low

  4. If all those who plants or are planning to plant the in any form are asked to throw a stone on a culprit who will be the first. All these were born out of jealousy, hatred and lost love.

  5. Oh! My God!!! This is an interesting angle ooooo . Oh! My!! I join to vote the MVP magun boh! That phone own go be bae! Very funny. Thumbs up Lilea!🤗👍👌

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