
Congratulations Linda Ikeji
Photo credit: Ghafia

It's no longer news that the most popular African blogger was recently delivered of a baby boy in the United States of America.
This event has been an exciting one for the thirty eight year old lady (she looks older sha, I guess it's from too much good living) and her entire family.
But has it been all exciting for all? Not really! Unfortunately in this case, Linda is from the part of Nigeria that views pregnancy out of wedlock as a taboo. (Alu!) Many other tribes may not care.
Some people especially males have called Linda Ikeji out for being guilty of "ime mkpuke" (this plainly means pregnancy out of wedlock).
They have accused her of double standards, of not practicing what she preaches. Our blogger role model Linda has over the years done a lot of work with young girls teaching them to be independent and not settle for less. She has especially warned young women against compromising with their bodies.
Everyone watched Linda grow gradually and without being told most of us are aware of her entrepreneurial skills which shot her to fame and made her a very rich woman. She has never been linked publicly with any rich man although some amebos still insinuate that her wealth is not entirely from her sweat. People must talk!
In my opinion Linda Ikeji is in a good place to teach young women how not to use their bodies to get wealth or fame because she has made her life an open book and to the best of my knowledge, she worked hard to get to where she is today and no man was in the picture at all till the moment her stomach started to grow.
Before I became a blogger, I was already an ardent follower of Linda Ikeji’s Blog (LIB) which was introduced to me by my brother and immediately fell in love with her sincerity and connection with her followers. I must add that the connection she had with her readers is gradually fizzling out; maybe due to additional commitments as LIB is no longer her baby.
Coming back to the issue of ime mkpuke, a particular man took his time to write and scold Linda for disgracing ndi Igbo by showing off her pregnancy like it was right. To him, the only person who should brandish a pregnancy is a legally married woman. He also told Linda that she would have misled a lot of young girls who look up to her into believing that pregnancy out of wedlock should be celebrated.
Recently another school of thought which of course was championed by a lady pointed out on a social media platform that Linda is not under her parents care anymore but an indepent woman who is able to take care of herself and any child she brings into this world and so the issue of ime mkpuke does not arise.
In my opinion Ime mkpuke is reserved for very young girls who cannot even give themselves a good bath and then go on to have indiscriminate sex thereby getting pregnant without knowing how it happened or in extreme cases, the man responsible for the pregnancy. 

Ime mkpuke is never planned. It is an unwanted pregnancy, the type where the girls deliver in quack hospitals or in the bush paths and then throw the babies in “mmiri ani” (shallow rivers) or refuse dumps or abandon them in churches or motherless babies homes. No no no, Linda’s pregnancy does not fall into this category in any way.
A lot of ime mkpuke originate from under the stairs or behind parked cars in dark corners or in the perpetrator’s one bedroom apartment or cheap hotel and must be done secretly.  

An anticipated pregnancy which probably happened on a gold plated double king-size bed with Gucci bed sheets covered in petals of flower and possibly in a very expensive hotel in some exotic location or in a privately owned mansion, haa! Mbanu, that cannot be ime mkpuke at all. It is an insult to place Linda’s pregnancy side by side with one small girl’s pregnancy.
I know that it may not sit well with some people, but if I may ask has anyone ever seen where a man is scolded for getting a full grown woman pregnant? It is only the woman that bears the stigma of pregnancy outside wedlock. While those who castigated Linda did so, I never for once heard anyone call out the man who did the deed; although his identity was hidden at that time, but no one insinuated that whoever it was had to be an irresponsible man.
I am not in any way commending Linda's style but I congratulate her. Mother taught me that pregnancy whether gotten legally or illegally is not a sin, the act is the sin. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and must be celebrated and especially in this case where the carrier of the pregnancy is over able to handle the responsibility to every extent.
The latest news is that while people were busy debating the morality of Linda’s decision to have a baby before marriage the new mother bought her baby boy a Bentley to usher him into the world.
My humble appeal to those who feel offended especially the natives is this, if you are not happy with Linda, please be happy for her son. Like my Warri peeps will say, “Dem born am well!”


  1. Congrats Linda on the birth of your baby. My persopersonal opinion is that she should be left alone. It is her life and we shouldn't judge her.

  2. Congratulations to Linda Ikeji on the birth of her new baby. My personal opinion is that we should not judge her as she is an adult and is old enough to make decisions without the intrusion of the public.

  3. I congratulate Linda and strongly believe she is legally married but choose to keep that part of her life private. Well having insinuated Jayce is Itsekiri I guess baby daddy is too. But I'd urge her to do the needful by setting records straight for the sake of young girls looking up to her.

  4. I am not a fan of Linda Ikeji even when my closest paddy is an ardent follower, I am not but living in this world of ours, there is no way you wont hear even when you don't intend to hear.
    I am happy for her, like you said "pregnancy is not a sin". A big congratulations to her. To carry belle no be joke. Linda is old enough to know what she wants. No one knows if she is married or not. We don't even know how the pregnancy came about. As much as she is a public figure and a role model to alot of people, I still feel her private life should be left to be. No one is perfect. Some clearing of air might be needed but if she decides not to nko? Those castigating her, are they any better? Like you said the man that did the act is never mentioned nor blamed that is the

    The banes of feminity in the world we live
    Even in happiness
    She is castigated
    Freedom and privacy she desires
    But never achieved
    Even in fullfillment
    She is still in dilemma.

    All the same congrats to her. like naija wey we dey, after a while de matter go die, life go continue!

    Amaka you are doing great!

  5. Amaks people are very quick to judge and castigate meanwhile they are not saints. Let the one that has not had premarital sex and has never cheated cast the first stone. Msheeew.

  6. No pregnancy should be termed ime mkpuke. It is indeed a gift from God. Well done Linda and thank God for a safe delivery. This is good news and new addition to the family.

  7. Congratulations Linda. Please take good care of your baby. God has blessed you finally so don't disappoint him. Bring up the child properly. Don't shower him with expensive gifts. Shower him with is not Bentley. Bentley can never show how much you love your son. Keep him away from wealth stuff and let him start life with God and love only.


  8. Congratulations Linda and all the best for you and yours.

  9. Congratulations to Linda, welcome to motherhood. Take care of your baby joor and be thankful to God for his wonderful gift. Keep rocking babe

  10. Congrats, welcome to our world.. May God help us all...

  11. Children are never a mistake- Pope Francis
    Welcome son!

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