Chronicles of KaoranunaChukwudimma!

Chronicles of KaoranunaChukwudimma!

Eight years after we had hung every hangable, he sprung up on us. It wasn’t like a big surprise because like I had mentioned in the past, when others occupied the streets protesting against subsidy, I occupied my home, my bed and my man. So when the result of all the activities of the occuping came out, it was a blend of surprising and expected end. 

I took it in good faith, not sure the perpetrator felt the same way initially but he had to accept the reality that faced us; we were going to go through the whole pregnancy, childbirth, nursing and the entire baby thing all over again.

When I hear that a man stopped speaking to his wife because she got pregnant, I just do not get it. Who got her pregnant in the first instance? Some men are really strange. I have heard some men say that they will always get some action and never want to hear excuses; their thinking is that the wives should know how to take care of themselves. 

A certain man has not spoken to his wife ever since she took in again, their last child is seven years and she is almost six months gone yet he has not said a word to her. What makes this case very annoying is that the wife told him that it was not a safe period for her since they had both agreed to the Billings method which is the natural family planning method yet he insisted on doing the do. Mscheew! If you must do it like a rabbit then be prepared to have babies like a rabbit, simple! 

I was thirty-five years old when I fell pregnant again and according to the doctors the pregnancy was high risk. That was their report but to me it was a beautiful experience, I was more mature and knew exactly what I wanted and how I wanted to look. I glowed with that pregnancy and it made me very happy.

It also helped my spiritual life to the extent that I could hear God speak to me. I remember hearing it loud and clear that I should pray for a safe delivery instead of asking for a baby girl, I immediately changed my prayer point, I was also given a bible verse to pray with for a normal and healthy baby after I went for a scan and the pictures looked like I was carrying a monster in me.

On the day of the delivery, what looked like it was going to be an easy one suddenly turned difficult. I was in a lot of pains and it was no longer possible to get the epidural that I had earlier on rejected.
Battling it out in the labour room

Afterwards, I went from being in extreme pain to an unusual state of calmness that all I wanted to do was sleep. I was exhausted and couldn’t push anymore; I found myself in a happy place, even smiling and I said to sister Nkechi, big sis who was there by my side that I wanted to sleep.

She told me later on that being in the medical profession she had seen such very often and so she knew that it wasn’t just a simple sleep, I was transitioning to another realm, so she slapped me really hard and asked me to wake up. “Nwamaka what do you think you are doing? Will you get up from there and push this baby out”

Did I mention that an elderly nurse was an angel sent by God to help me? Before my sister parked, completed all the paper work and came up, this nurse kept on speaking positively to me and helped me keep hope alive in the midst of my pains. She said a lot to me and even helped me do some exercises to help prepare my body to push after she realised that my last pregnancy was eight years back. 

She told me that her shift was going to end in about an hour and that she wanted me to deliver my baby before she closed from work.

After my sister hit me, it was like I got a new lease on life and I suddenly felt alive again. The first thing I asked for was.......

~To be continued~


  1. Quite an experience dear AMAKA. Thank God for your sister and the caring/supportive Midwife. Looking forward for the concluding part. Cheers.

  2. Wow..what an experience and testimony.His be praised!

  3. Wow..what an experience and testimony.His be praised!

  4. It can only be God. May his name be praised forever .

  5. Wonderful God.cant wait to hear how the baby is doing.

  6. Whao. Thank God it ended well.

  7. God is our only hope, he can do all things...great experience.

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