Haters are gonna hate!

Photo credit: Christian book

Sometimes I wonder how our minds work in Nigeria and why we always need to be wary of the people around us.

We suspect the next person and somehow seem to have the mindset that someone somewhere does not wish us well.

When things go wrong we start to look for the person who is responsible for the woes. What baffles me is why we don't look for the person who is responsible for the good times.

When we experience good fortune we tend to feel that we deserve it because we prayed hard or have been righteous. We give ourselves all the credit.

Recently, out of excitement I posted my son's good result on social media. I just wanted friends to share in my joy; I had never imagined that he would do so well. 

The evening after I put up the post I received several calls from concerned friends with some sounding hysterical that I should take down the post as I was exposing my son to wicked people.

When we as Nigerians begin to eliminate people from our life's situations, maybe our future may start to look brighter.

Hardly do most Nigerians accept the circumstances they find themselves without questioning the wicked neighbour.

I maintain that I have never seen anyone point accusing fingers at an uncle or aunty or any relation as being responsible for their success in life.

When things are rosy, it's God and hardwork but the moment there's any little setback, people remember that the last time they travelled home some old woman or man looked at them in a certain manner.

I recently updated my profile on a social media platform and yet again I got some messages from a few good friends warning me not to let people in on my achievements. 

I know that these friends mean well and see things the way they do, possibly because they are more experienced than I am and have seen quite a lot in life.

The truth however is that I am extremely naive in such matters and I believe in the saying "Ignorance is bliss"

I take absolutely no cognisance of evil people. I know that they exist, After all the bible says that the devil roams like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour.  

There's no lion actually but human beings who have let the devil live in them and so all they do is to hate, curse, damage, slander, defame, hurt and wish people bad.

But guess what? All that do not get to me. I love my plain Jane life. I'm ignorant of any negativity. 

All the hatred, anger, back-biting  and envy mean nothing to me. I believe in the strength of a Higher Being. Evil may be appear powerful but it wil never withstand the strength of the One who I believe in.

That keeps me going. I have an assurance and so I pay no mind to what the so called evil people may be be thinking.

I do not care one bit. I choose positivity over negativity, happiness over sadness and openness over secrecy. 

God will bless me regardless of what anyone does. No amount of incantations or ogbenje moves will stop my blessing. That s right.

Some shield their families from the public for fear of the evil that people are capable of doing. Some are extremely careful of what and where they eat and also who they eat with. They guard their drinks with their lives at gatherings.

What is this life if full of all the cares? One can never be too careful in life. Mother always said "whatever will be will be" and I strongly believe in it.

I've seen wealthy people who are not able to enjoy life just because they do not want to offend the so called evil people. 

We are all ultimately trying to stay alive, yet no matter how hard we try to protect ourselves and our loved ones, death awaits each and everyone of us some day including the haters. 

One thing I'm sure of is that after one hundred years  my time here will be up. Then I'll go peacefully in my sleep and no credit will be given to those who do not like me.

I owe nobody no apologies for the way God  chooses to bless me. I'll enjoy every bit of it, haters are gonna hate anyway...(in my fake American accent. Lol)✌


  1. My dear. I love this. Even Pope Francis said it. Enjoy your life like there's no tomorrow.

    Some women told me, at a certain age one doesn't need to even wear jeans or short skirts. I asked why and they said we are aging so should leave those things.

    I asked why not if you feel like wearing a short skirt...People will talk they're watching...ooo

    I said that's not me. Fear of people and their talk

  2. Hmmmmmm, Amaka good talk. No matter what in this life people will always talk about you whether good or bad. The only advice is live your life the way you feel and stop pretending or afraid of people around you.... 👍

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