She needs Repentance

Photo credit: pinterest

Marriage is meant to be beautiful. Really there's nothing as satisfying as having a good companion who is not just a lover but a friend.

Sometimes I stay alone and in those times certain things like zipping my dress or wearing a bracelet or even asking for a second opinion on my outfit become very difficult. 

A mirror will show you yourself but will not say anything. I had a church dinner one of those days and had to get to the venue before I called a friend who came to the car park to button my dress.

The other day I walked to my neighbour's house just to get my blouse zipped but not before trying several times without success, I almost ruined the blouse.

Hubby gladly helps me hook my bracelet and falling asleep beside him is such a pleasure. The security a good man provides can never be over emphasized.

Marriage, simply put should be enjoyed and not endured. However a good number of badly behaved men and women are making it hard for their victims everyday.

The horror stories of some marriages these days are making our young people develop the cold feet towards this beautiful institution. 

Sadly the women are coming up in being the bad spouse. This year in Nigeria alone there have been several stories of women who got very violent with their spouses even to the extent of committing murder.

I know a lot of women die regularly from domestic abuse and I'm in no way exonorating the men but we the women are gradually losing our uniqueness by becoming what we were not created to be.

We are created to be helpers, to bring peace to the world basically. To use our silent energy to make magic. Women are commanders in chief of the home. We bring joy and laughter and life to the home. 

We calm fears and wipe tears then go into our rooms, cry our own tears and wipe them. That's how we are made to be.

I find it awkward when a woman becomes the monster and I have also realised that the good men usually get the bad women and vice versa.

Recently a story was brought to my attention of a man Jerome (not real name) who obliged his wife Janet (not real name) of further education in a country of her choice. He made her so comfortable while she schooled. He bought a big house since the children were with her and made it their second home.

He visited his family often and made sure that they never lacked in any way

There were no visible signs of acrimony from the Janet and so Jerome was taken by surprise when she sold their house and car and relocated to another part of the country without his knowledge.

Upon his arrival to visit his family, he made the discovery and quickly swung into action to locate his wife and children.

Janet had become like a stranger, he lied to the authorities that her husband abandoned her and their children and never took care of them. 

She further asked for custody of her children and revealed that her husband had once presented fake documents to the authorities of that country.

The court granted her custody of their children and ordered Jerome to pay a huge amount of money to Janet if he must continue to be allowed entry into that country to see see his children.

Now Jerome wants to sell the only property he has in Nigeria to settle his estranged wife but friends have advised him to find another wife instead and start a new life; and to forget Janet and their children.

Jerome loves his children and will rather be homeless in Nigeria but able to see his children.

Me: it's a hard one to consider. Certainly making up with Janet who has long moved on is not an option. She got more exposure and wanted more. Becoming homeless should also not be an option. Take care of the children but do not pay the huge sum to Janet if it's not mandatory. The children will definitely reunite with their father one day. Janet, you need repentance.


  1. I think God will make a way for Jerome to finally take his children from that woman.

  2. That is wickedness of the highest order..... 👍 The guy should remarry and forget about they... Simple. 👍

  3. Very sad event, Jerome should just move on. That woman is worse than a 🐍

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