Who cursed us?

                    Photo creit: colourbox.com

Who did we offend in Nigeria? Why do we have to go through difficulties at all times?

Sometimes I wonder if we hate ourselves and find joy in the sufferings and plight of our people.

Nigerians are made to be happy  but I have often had reasons to think twice about our happy nature because a lot of things are wrong.

I couldn't avoid going to the market this weekend and it was such a horrible experience. It was a wet day and that added to my woes.

The road leading to the particular market was bad. I paid three hundred naira to park where I had to practically jump out of the car just to avoid the messy mud pond near where I parked.

The pools of dirty water were not the only ugly sights and sad events. In every corner of the market there were medium heaps of dirt made up of plastic bottles, paper take-away plates with food remnants, empty wraps of biscuits and other snacks, black plastic bags, groundnut shells, eaten corn cobs and a whole lot of other rubbish. It was indeed an eye sore.

After I was done shopping for the one item I had gone for, I had to go back to check for something; I was in the market anyway so thinking myself smart I decided not to wade the dirty water again and go through the supposedly mapped out lawn. Big mistake as I narrowly missed stepping on poop and of course on my way back to my car the pool of water was like a swimming pool to me. I happily jumped into it; anything was better than seeing poop. Tufiakwa!

As I drove out of the market, an angry soldier hit my car with his hands because I took my time to look out for any oncoming vehicle before getting on the highway. Why would we be harassed by illiterate soldiers or even the literate ones if we are not in a dictatorship era?

The high wat was not left out of the madness, the on-going construction caused several issues; chaos, a big mess and danger. No authorised personnel on ground to direct road users. 

No work was going on at that moment hence no personnel but the heavy duty construction equipment were on ground and obstructed traffic. As usual everyone wanted to go before the next person since there was no-one yo coordinate the movement of vehicles. Who cursed us in this country?

I nearly stripped myself before getting into the house but for the not so sexy view that my neighbours would have been tormented with. I felt all the germs creeping all over my body and the only thing I needed at that point was a hot scrub.

Looking around when driving is not encouraged because there are no beautiful sights to behold.

The common sights are the hoodlums, potholes, officers of the law looking for victims, people spitting like snakes and heaps of refuse.

Photo credit: Naij.com

Common also are young boys who have no care in the world, they belong to everyone but to no-one, the only home they know is the street. These boys are everywhere jumping on moving buses in search of loads to carry. The rail lines are beds to them and I ask "Who will take care of them?" "Who will rehabilitate and send them to school?" 

Who really cares about the ruins of the society in our dear country Nigeria? So sad. As for me, I won't be going to the market anytime soon, it reduces one's lifespan.


  1. Na waoo...giant of Africa. Nothing baffles me more than the incessant harassment by supposed law enforcement officers in Nigeria.

  2. Hmmmmmm, that is common things you find around in Nigeria expecially Lagos state that claims smart city, indeed people are smart but in reverse way....... 👍

  3. A lawless country of ours with no plans for social amenities, no support for the downtrodden, my heart bleeds for this nation.
    I pray that God will give us God fearing leaders with this coming election, we all have roles to play by coming out emass to cast our votes as Christians. God help us!

  4. I want to use this opportunity to comment my reserve. I noticed that I was always complaining whenever I notice things out of place, like people using my frontage as toilet because I planted a tree and flowers, the parking fee in Otto market going up without any improvement to my children's teachers waiting till open day to make an observation. It was like na only you? So I stop. It has not been easy, I am still trying.
    Thus goes my reserve if you don't want us to comment on your blog as anonymous just tell us no be say click on all photos with buses you click, then click on all photos with traffic lights I click I even click the ones with just the pole next thing try again all with crosswalk "its Zebra crossing ke" before I am through i am kuku tired abeg help look into this matter so that I can comment on your blogs bio.

  5. These are the thoughts that goes through my mind every time on the road in Lagos. This market experience and the whole setting just goes on to depict the state of Nigeria with barely any solution to all these problems in sight. I pray God will show us mercy and open our eyes to see the areas we've gone wrong and the right steps we need to take decisively, even if we have to resort to a peace revolt. I just want things to get better in this country because how long do we want to keep on like this?

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