Congratulations - conclusion


It was indeed fate that brought Opulum back into Kelenna's life. She had no idea how to grow her fast food business; all she had were her recipes and the funds she saved up from her past job.

She resigned due to a downsizing in the organisation she worked for. It was an event she accepted wholeheartedly because it came at a time when she was contemplating a change in her life.

She took a break for a while and then started her new business. Sam was very supportive; he found and funded the space where the business was located. He made sure the restaurant was tastefully furnished and he visited anytime he had the chance to. He was also the one who suggested and encouraged Kelenna to register for the food and technology fair.

It had been over six months but she was still trying to find her feet in the business. Sam had all the answers, he knew the right places to source raw materials and human power.

He had all the ideas and even shared his initiatives and trade secrets with her. The difference was clear within a few months of connecting with Opulum.

She began to enjoy her new business and by the end of that year she opened a new branch in a University environment.

In that same month of her business expansion Opulum invited Kelenna to his country of abode for his company's fifteenth year in business celebration. 

Sam was also invited to the event but a last minute deliverable came up at work so he was unable to make the trip.

Opulum had made hotel reservations for  Kelenna and Sam but was surprised when he got to the airport and saw that Kelenna had arrived alone.

They chatted all the way to the hotel. He escorted her to her room and they chatted even more. They had a lot to discuss, especially about the business; Kelenna was quite excited.

In a twist of things, from laughing quite heartily she burst into tears when she confided in Opulum that another woman was expecting a child for her husband.

It was the first time she cried about it, she had been strong too long. Opulum let her cry it out; he held her while she cried till she fell asleep in his arms.

He placed her well on the bed, removed her shoes and covered up with the duvet. As he made to leave Kelenna sluggishly said "thank you" to him. He told her to rest that he would see her the following day.

Opulum was in Kelenna's hotel early the next day, he was quite worried about her and didn't quite sleep well.

It took the events of the previous night for him to realise that he still cared deeply about her. He was happy to see her all bright and happy that morning that the first thing he did was pull her into his arms.

They shared a very long kiss which took a lot of willpower from both of them to break away from.

They smiled at each other and Kelenna became a bit shy. They had a lot of time before the event that evening and so he offered to show her round  town and his restaurants.

She even went shopping and Opulum surprised her by paying for all that she purchased. He also took her to his home where his wife entertained her. She met his six children and had such a lovely time with them. 

He later got a cab to take her back to the hotel to get ready for the event later that night; he had last minute preparations to make for his special night.

Opulum's beautiful home did not quite prepare Kelenna for the sort of event the anniversary was going to be. It was indeed grand and had all sorts of dignitaries in attendance.

As she watched Opulum and his wife with their children take pictures on stage she felt a rush of jealously and for a moment hated her brother for making her lose her true love.

She was still deep in her thoughts when an usher came to her and led her to the VIP table where she sat with Opulum' s family and other important guests.

She danced her heart out when it was dancing time and she was glad that she had one more day before her short flight back to Nigeria.

She had a quiet day the following day till Opulum visited her in the evening. They had a few glasses of wine at the bar before she walked him to his car.

Right there in Opulum's car in the car park, they succumbed to the yearnings of the weak flesh. By the time they were done they both knew that it wouldn't be the last time.

Opulum told her his own story. He married the woman who first believed in his dream. She is a native of that country and used every influence she had to ensure that Opulum was successful. 

She even worked in his first restaurant, he married her because it was the right thing to do. She had given him her all and he could tell that she loved him. He couldn't love her but wouldn't hurt her feelings.

He admitted that his wife gives him peace and deserves all his love but it was something he had struggled over the years to give.

The next day as he dropped Kelenna off at the airport they agreed to see each other again.

Kelenna recently discovered that she's pregnant.  She knows without a doubt who the father of her unborn child is. She has never in her life been pregnant so she's over the moon and has vowed to keep the baby.

Opulum has given his full support but Kelenna's sister who she confided in has asked her to get rid of the baby.

Sam does not know about his wife's pregnancy yet.

Me:  How do you ask a woman who has been through a lot over childlessness to get rid of the one pregnancy that has come her way. 

My advice to Kelenna is to keep the pregnancy but speak the truth about the child's paternity. She may not reveal the identity of the father but at least she should let her husband know that the child belongs to someone else.

By the way Kelenna says she can't wait for the Congratulations to start pouring in.

Ps: All the names used are fictitious for privacy sake


  1. Hmmmm this life oo . Nobody likes a taste of his own medicine. It's also possible that Sam is the one with fertility issues.

  2. This life! Sweet but yet bitter!
    Can't we ever have it the way we want it? We live with one yet our heart belongs to another.
    I am happy for her and congratulations in advance. She shouldn't get rid of the baby but she has to let her husband be in the know of what's going on. I just pray it won't scatter the two homes at the end of the day.

  3. Kai uwa atokala azu okpokwa...Life sweet pass bonga fish... she should keep her baby and let the husband know the truth. The husband lost it by not waiting for her and went and got another lady pregnant. Who knows if he is the true father of that second ladies pregnancy ? They should have done a medical test before embarking on this adventure. All the same she should keep her baby.... eligwe nwere ikpe o va ekpe oooo

  4. Mmmmm. Life! So mysterious. She should keep the baby definitely. She will tell same that he is not the father. She wanted to be sure if she was really barren. Sam too should tell her congratulations. Although I wish it never happened that way. God na your hand we dey o

  5. For a woman looking for a child, gets pregnant no doubt terminating the pregnancy can never be an option. She should tell her husband and keep the preganacy.

  6. Hmmm, Is that side chic's baby truly her husband's baby? Just cause he thinks he's gat it going, don't mean he gat it in, ya know.

    1. That is where I stand.that baby from the side chick is not the husbands child.

  7. Termination of the pregnancy is out of it. The baby has come to settle some issues bordering on Kelenna.(Ogboo Ogu). Congratulations is the answer as Kelenna owes nobody any apology.

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