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Life sometimes leave us wondering what would have happened if we had done things differently.

This is how this Lilea's blog reader feels right now. Her name is Kelenna.

Kelenna has been married for eight years to Sam and they are yet to have children. 

It's been eight years of a rollercoaster life for Kelenna who bears more of the brunt of childlessness. From the first year of her marriage she started to feel the pressure from her husband's family especially her mother in law to have children for her husband.

She never believed that getting pregnant would be a problem for her because she kept herself as she was taught to do by her mother.

Sam was the first and only man she had ever been with and this made her enjoy a little bit of peace with Sam.

Sometimes Sam succumbed to the pressure from his family and on bad days spoke very badly to his wife though he would quickly come back to apologise for his outbursts.

Just last year Sam confessed to Kelenna that a girl he dated in the past was carrying his child. He admitted that he had been seeing her for two years and that he was the one who sought her out on social media. They rekindled their friendship once he found out that she was still unmarried.

Kelenna' s reaction to the information shocked even Kelenna herself. It showed her that she had gotten stronger with all the years of dealing with negative remarks and scornful attitudes from people who should protect her.

Her reaction showed her that what doesn't kill one would only make one stronger and so all that she said to her husband was "Congratulations".

That night she slept like a baby. When she opened her eyes early the next morning, she was surprised to see Sam her husband staring at her.

He told her that he found it difficult to sleep; first, he had betrayed their love and he wasn't sure what she had in mind and so was not sure if it was safe for him to sleep all through the night. 

She also confided in her husband that she was a bit relieved that the pressure of having a baby had been taken off her. They even joked about how his mother would be over the moon with the news of the pregnancy.

Life has been a bit awkward at home especially with Sam being extra careful with everything; his words and actions. He literally walks on egg shells around the house.

Recently at a food and technology fair, Kelenna ran into an old flame. Opulum was her older brother's best friend in secondary school and he was close to her family.

Kelenna had not seen Opulum in over fifteen years and at first was not sure who it was that called her the pet name only close family and friends called her.

"Kellypapa is this you, anya m ji fu gi akpokwana" ( may the eyes I saw you with never go blind). It was then that Kelenna looked well and recognised Opulum.

He owned a chain of restaurants in an African country where he lived. He comes to the food and technology fair every year but that was Kelenna's first time. She had just opened a fast food restaurant and was at the fair for new ideas.

That was how Opulum came back to Kelenna' s life. They kissed once or twice as teenagers but whatever they felt for themselves never saw the light of day because of Kelenna' s older brother Dabelu. He opposed to their relationship very strongly and they both gave up on their love so easily.

~ To be continued ~

Ps: All the names used are fictitious for the sake of privacy 


  1. Heiiiii how long will it take for the conclusion eeeeeee

  2. Amaka you have introduced zée world kind of suspense ooo. Nice one. Childlessness in mariage is not easy ooo. God help her.

  3. Amaka...why? Please continue

  4. But this Kelenna's kind of reaction is so like me. The kind of thing I will do.

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