Move right on

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Otito wanted a serious relationship the moment he set his eyes on UzoChi. He had stopped on his way home from work to buy suya and UzoChi was also buying suya.

He couldn't miss the opportunity to talk when she mistakenly stepped on his shoes. When she apologised, he told her that she could step on him over and over again. They both laughed and before they left the suya spot they exchanged numbers.

UzoChi was just eighteen years old and Otito was twenty-eight when they met. They went out together a couple of times but when Otito asked for a more serious relationship, UzoChi told him that she wasnt ready.

She even encouraged Otito to ask her older sister Ogenna out on a date. She said that her sister was a truly nice girl and also ready to settle down.

At first it sounded awkward but when UzoChi would not back out, he decided to give it a try.

On their first date they barely spoke to each other. After a few more dates, Ogenna was convinced that there was nothing serious between Uzochi and Otito and so they hit it off like a house on fire.

Otito taught Ogenna how to drve and because they lived in the same neighbourhood he visited her quite often. His relationship with UzoChi gradually faded and it appeared like they never even knew each other that well.

It's been five years and UzoChi has watched her now twenty seven year old sister share major milestones with Otito.
When he did a mortgage, it was Ogenna's duty to decorate the new home.  He was promoted twice in five years and each time he went out with Ogenna to celebrate his achievement.

When he lost a grandparent, Ogenna travelled all the way to his hometown to attend the burial. She even bought some of the souvenirs for the occasion.

Recently it was Ogenna's birthday and Otito proposed to her. He proposed not just with a ring but with a brand new car.

UzoChi is ready to date now but has confided in Otito that she keeps comparing all the young men that she meets to him. 

She went further to confess to him that she liked him from the very first day but couldn't date him because her older sister was yet to go on her first date.

During their last conversation, she broke it to him verbatim that she wants him back in her life and said she will do anything to have him back.

Otito does not want the conversation between them to be heard by a third party but UzoChi is threatening to escalate it. 

He has no skeletons to hide but the only problem Otito has with this new development is that he will be held responsible for the volcano that is about to erupt in the family even if it lasts just for a little while.UzoChi is serious about causing problems in her very respectable family.

Me: UzoChi, have who back? He was never yours. You were generous and liberal enough to introduce him to your sister who was ready for a relationship when you were not. What Ogenna and Otito now share was destined to  happen and you were just a vessel. Till your own true love finds you please move right on.

Love is worth fighting for but not if you are the only one fighting ~ Elvis Presley ~


  1. Inukwa!! The Uzochi girl needs a good recovery slap.Does she think that she could have had such positive impact in Otito's life as her sister did? Like was said, she is destiny vessel to the couple. Let her move right on already.

  2. Sorry to say but this Uzochi of a girl is silly. She needs to wake up from this illusion of hers as it would never be a reality accept if Otito obliges that.
    He can let Ogenna be in the know of what is happening and together they will trash it.
    She was never his and would never be.
    She should gently and patiently wait for her time and if possible get her brain formatted.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She was not ready and was never made for Otito. Any attempt by her to cause problems will definitely fail. I'll advice her to pray and wait for her own.

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