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Photo credit: congregational consulting group |
Sundays are usually peaceful, it is easily the best day of the week for me but like every other person, once it’s time to sleep, the reality dawns on me that the next day would be back to the usual hustling and bustling.
A typical Sunday for me starts by first going to church then back and the usual Sunday rice; I still do not understand why most Nigerians have rice for lunch on Sundays. A friend once told me that his mother wanted to be different and so instead of rice, prepared beans on Sunday afternoons. I’m thinking in that direction.
I love to go to church especially on Sundays, it is my happy place and one place where I know that the One to whom we all gather to worship loves me and accepts me just the way I am.
In the church I see all sorts of people, those who sit and look at every other person as a sinner, the looks on their faces tell me that they believe the church is meant only for them. They are the first to go for Communion and grasp their hands together like they are already on their way to heaven.
I see those who feel that they own the church, they want to control everything and everyone; they hush at little children who make noise, tell other adults to cover their hair properly, they adjust people’s bra straps with an ‘I am your big aunty’ kind of look.
They even teach the church wardens their jobs (I fall into this particular category sometimes, I must admit).
There are those who act like they know more than the priests and are quick to counter some teachings from their seats quietly and are pleased when people admire them for being so knowledgeable in the things of the church. Then they are quick to boast that they studied Theology and Psychology and Physiology and other logies.
Some are in church to network and establish business contacts; such people can hardly wait for Mass to end. They come on time and position themselves strategically to sit close to their prospects. They are quick to turn just to tap and laugh with their targets if the priest throws out any joke regardless of how dry it is.
There are those who come to church to look for their missing ribs, they dress to impress with the hope that someone just might notice. This applies to both male and female. There are however a few ladies who come to church to flirt just for the fun of it.
Some come to dance their sorrows away and some are in church just to look at and envy other people.
Some come happy and leave sad; sometimes, a few church workers in carrying out their duties go overboard and hurt people’s feelings. Some come sad and leave very happy for several reasons; maybe a love interest eventually said a word to them or a business deal clicked or their enemy was humiliated or for the right reason – they are filled with the Holy Spirit.
What I dread most when I’m in church is halitosis (bad breath) and body odour. I endured one of them today but all I felt for the person was pity because of his status.
Anyway, there is a class of people who come to the church just to beg for money; the closet beggars are always in need and then there are the real beggars. I do not in any way wish to undermine people with genuine issues that deserve to be assisted.
The most intriguing one is the fact that someone who sits next to you and recites all the prayers by heart steals your purse at the slightest chance.
Someone once shared her experience with me, she recognised a man who was a part of the armed robbery gang that attacked her family in their home the week before. She was so terrified and so she quietly left the church with her family before the man recognised her.
She said it was difficult for her to sleep for days because she kept thinking that the man knew her and may come back for her.
In one accord we sing hymns, go for communion, offerings and dance to the altar for thanksgivings, and so it makes me wonder why we commune together yet have so much hatred for one another. I wonder why the people who worship together still hurt each other and are quick to run their fellow brethrens down at any given opportunity.
The church is supposed to be a safe haven but we have turned it into what it should not be, gossip, hypocrisy, theft and intimidation are gradually finding their ways into the church and the younger ones are asking questions.
Did I forget to mention that some come to church to show off? Yes they show off their wealth yet find it extremely difficult to help those who are truly in need.
As for the men of God, I won’t go there, my faith forbids me from criticising my priests but all I know is that I am praying for some of them very seriously.
Whatever you go to the church for just remember that Christ is always waiting for you there. No doubt He lives in your heart and in your home but you still need to go and worship Him in His Holy place.
Please overlook all the misdemeanours that go on in the church, face your business, and worship your God in spirit and in truth. At the end of the day, it is a personal race for heaven!
The church is simply a heaven for saints and sinners so all the character you describe are there plus more.only God that sees and know our heart
ReplyDeleteSuch a great piece and so on point. You are so detailed about the various people you would find in church that I could practically see some of my church members. The true of essence of the Christian fellowship is to continue to help each other live out Christ, basking in the love of Christ, but that love seems to be lost amongst Christians in churches now. So many things now that even the apostles of Old will just open their mouth wide. Christians who only call God with their lips but their hearts are from him. Yes, as much as we don't want to mention ministers, I still feel the true gospel of Christ is being watered down...more like preaching what people want to hear. It seems to be more of how many congregation you have than how many lives have been touched and made disciples out of them. May God restore the church to be more like the church of old and even better.
ReplyDeleteThanks Amaka for another great piece. This one is unconventional, dealing with religion but I'm glad I read it. Although I'm not a Christian but an Eckist, member of Eckankar and in fact, an ECK Cleric, the article nevertheless applies to the different states of consciousness that are likely to be found in any place of worship be it Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Temple, Eck Center, wherever.
ReplyDeleteI have heard many talk about the rot in the nation despite our many churches, and growing. To these people, it seems that the more churches we have the greater the rot. But do we know how a Nigeria without church would be? Could it be worse? Perhaps the time we spend in church or any place of worship for that matter is the reason we have not disintegrated altogether? I don't know but the church is part and parcel of the Nation and therefore a reflection of the larger society. So we should expect that the characters in the society at large will be represented in the church.
Yet all are welcome and hopefully as we come unto God with our different imperfections and motives, the Divine love of God, manifested as the unobstructed Light and Sound will begin purifying us. As a result, our different states of consciousness will progressively align with the Divine Will.
All are welcome to church whether it is to find love, to impress, to straighten a child's sagging neck, even to teach a warden his job, for anytime spent in the presence of The Lord is time spent away from the Kal. As such whatever reason anyone has for finding God is valid and in God's own way and in God's own time, all will be in its rightful place.
Nice piece and on point Amy. God will help us.
ReplyDeleteDo not be deceived or distracted by what is happening in our churches today. Heaven is individual race so, it is a personal decision to have an encounter with God. We need God's grace in our lives.
ReplyDeleteWord.. nice read
ReplyDeleteAmy you have said it all. Only God knows those that are truly His.