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Photo Credit:tallblackonesugar |
Who is in charge of the home? Is the breadwinner really in charge of the home? The wife or the husband may be the breadwinner in a home especially in recent times and not like in the days of our parents when the men were mostly the only providers in the home. These days, the title of breadwinner rests on the one who keeps the family afloat financially.
Even when the man is the breadwinner, he does not
necessarily call the shots in a home and nature has made the woman be in
charge of the home. Any man who understands this usually has peace at home but
the man who fails to acknowledge the wife as the ‘officer in charge’ would
definitely live a very stressful life.
Nature made it that way and it is
not negotiable, a woman has been blessed with her little pot of goodness, and with that, she
commands Kings, Commanders, and Rulers of nations. Men bow to the thing between the legs and any woman who has not discovered this is still living in bondage. I often
laugh at men when they boast and say silly things like “I call the shots”,
really? No sir you only call the shots outside the house, when you get home the
real ‘Shots Caller’ takes over.
More men are “pussy whipped” than
not which is why you see a man in a toxic relationship with a very bad woman and he
clearly cannot get himself out of that situation. Please be patient with such a man for the woman’s honey pot has taken over his sense of reasoning.
Without money a woman already has
powers just because of that which she has been endowed with and then when she
also becomes the provider in the home, it could be manageable depending on the character
of the woman but we know that absolute power is never good. A few women are
able to handle being the sole provider without the drama, the rest cannot; it is
just too much power for them and they simply cannot handle it.
Some men are quick to make fun of
or admonish their fellow men for doing whatever their wives say, they act like they are lord and
master in their own homes although it is the absolute opposite, such men are
even made to kneel down and beg behind closed doors denouncing their whole
lineage just to get a piece of the thing between the legs. To the man who obeys his wife like she is a school principal, when they insult you for being controlled by your wife just tell them that it is okay, only a wise
man knows that Adam was under the control of Eve and not the devil when he ate the apple.
When you see a man licking his
fingers while eating his wife’s tasteless food, do not be confused for he is not
tasting the same thing as you, his own is mixed with honey pot juice. While you
do not taste any salt or pepper, the man tastes the right quantity of every
flavour plus the spices that you cannot taste, go figure. When a woman is ready to leave
the party, the whole family must leave for peace to reign, only a few men will
call a woman’s bluff in public. A wise man will quietly appeal to his wife to
please exercise more patience if he still wants to spend more time in a place.
A grown and established man can
be reduced to nothing by the woman in his life, we hold a very powerful tool as
women and a lot of us abuse the power that we have. I have seen men act like
cats around women literally scared of the wrath of a woman. I have a problem with women who
want the whole world to know that they are in charge and they usually show this
by being openly rude to their husbands so everyone will know that they hold
both the money and the honey pot. Such women rule till they push the man to a
woman who holds the bigger money and a sweeter honey pot then they lose out
It is no longer in doubt that the woman is the real master at home, the very quiet women are even the dangerous
ones who act all innocent but know
exactly how to twist and wind their husbands thereby making them do exactly
only what they want to be done. One of the southeastern
governors is well known to be ‘pussy-whipped’, everyone knows that his wife is
the boss while he is her servant; she says exactly what happens and it doesn't matter that she
never takes the right decisions. My friend Gee, calls the shots in her home and
her husband follows her every instruction like his life depends on it; she
succeeded in turning him into a very rich man and they are both very happy for
Another friend will say she needs
her husband’s permission for everything even though we all know that she is
only buying time before she takes her decision, whatever she decides to do is
acceptable to her husband. That is respect if you ask me. A good woman will
discuss with her husband and make sure they are both on the same page on every
issue before major decisions are taken. Over 70% of women say who gets what and what is acceptable or unacceptable in the home.
I hate situations where the woman
only takes decisions that favour her and has little or no consideration for her
husband. Such women have no problem making their husbands look stupid in
My advice to women is simple; we
are powerful without a doubt, with your
honey pot you can either give life or death to your husband so choose wisely what to give. If you find yourself as the breadwinner or the co-breadwinner, please
accept it as God’s will and do your bit with every sense of humility.
There is a clause though; if you
are the breadwinner or co-breadwinner and married to an unrepentant bad man who
does not appreciate what you stand for in the home, please use your powers
absolutely and put him in his place, if you do not know how, please come for
some advice. I am not one of those women who will say do not use sex as a weapon in your home so you don't push your husband to another woman. That is your weapon, your tool, your treasure, and property and if you can use it to bring sanity to your home, by all means, please do.
I refuse to understand why a woman is expected to open her legs and fake pleasure when she has been made upset by her husband. If I am not happy my whole body will definitely shut down, sex is not just an exercise, it must be done with every part of the body in agreement. A man who will go out in search of sex just because the wife refused to be used as a toy, then the man is not worth the bother.
I know a woman who never lets her husband touch her in months and at a certain time abstained from sex in her marriage for over one year. She was angry that her husband cheated on her so I told her that her action would make him cheat more and advised her to either forgive or divorce him and move on. She said she will never divorce him but will continue to live with him and keep him miserable.
When I spoke to her husband, he admitted that he cheated and had asked for forgiveness. When I asked him how he felt that his wife would not let him touch her, he replied that he would keep begging and hoping that one day she would accept him again and give him a dose of what he has missed so much. He admitted that he still had one or two sidekicks to satisfy his urges but that none tasted like the one he had at home. In his words, "My wife is too sweet and she knows it, that is why she is doing shakara for me". He said he loves her too much and will wait patiently for the day she forgives him.
This particular man is the sole provider, he takes care of everything but all that he does is geared towards making his estranged wife happy and expecting that she will have a change of heart. Now, who is in charge here?
Sometimes, I wonder what the Almighty God thought of? When God decided to introduce the 'WOMAN' but, her debut in the Garden of Eden? I believe, may have shown how much of a revelation such idea became.
ReplyDeleteUndoubtedly, masculine and feminine roles are specified in the reproduction process but I strongly believe the 'home' is ran by two 'partners' so,a partnership rather than a sole proprietorship.
In this vein, there's no struggle for superiority as 'power'(dunamis) is divinely bestowed in a family not 'grabbed' as in a 'military coup d'etat'.
However, experience taught me that roles are juggled between spouses in various underlying circumstances that the family is faced with in different times of the life of every marriage. Aside from 'conjugal relationship'(which takes two) breadwinning can fall on either side but with love and understanding? It's never an issue when the husband and wife understand their God-given mandates - husbands, love your wives and wives, be submissive to your husband's! These are orders, instructions and commands from creation.
Moreover, every SUCCESSFUL union union has 'GOD IN CHARGE' while spouses carry out their respective duties.Interestingly, considering the marital union Union as a 'partnership' we are divinely charged to love (husbands) and be submissive (wives)? So, when we fall short of living out our purpose? it's an aberration!
Remember? Every ship (Garden of Eden) has one Captain, now,also remember? Adam only was instructed against the 'forbidden fruit' but Eve who had a 'shallow mind' possibly, engaged her Honeypot which Adam fell for made the cookies crumble! But Alas! God never blamed Eve but Adam who couldn't exersise his mandate.
God should be in charge while we respect each other's roles in the partnership, not caring who is an 'active' or 'sleeing' partner.
DeleteShout out to all the ladies that are really in charge but doesn't show it.
ReplyDeleteEverything in marriage falls under love. A woman will not show or tell the whole world that she is the breadwinner of the house if she loves her husband, knowing that the man will not be himself or will not be confortable at that point in time. What is important in this journey is the family interest which comprises all the members of the family. Whoever God chooses to bless the family through him or her should be happy for providing for the family. Both parties should be in charge but at different times.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful write up, God has made it that a man is the head of the family and should provide for the family. However, were thing does not go that way, anyone who has the opportunity should embrace the responsibility. Fact remains that some men can go any length to provide for his family to protect his dignity. Some women due to some circumstances also provide for the family without complaints or display of awkward attitudes but mind that we are human so we need God's grace to carry out that role with a cheerful and courageous mind.
ReplyDeleteThis honey pot angle is quite interesting but seriously, I think it should be discussed differently from breadwinning. I thoroughly enjoyed the writer's perspective on the power of the 'orifice of sin'. I am also one of those who believe that a real man should rule his house, breadwinner or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteHowever, kudos to a writer 'wey sabi'
A friend of mine (married) once posted on her status "the man is the headship of every home, women why trying to drag the headship when you know that the movt of the head must be controlled by the neck, please leave the head for the men and concentrate on being the 'neckship'"! Lol. If u know u know. I also understand the power of being a woman but sometimes i even feel yet unfulfilled, that my power is still underutilized. I feel i have still not attain the status of being with great headship where i can use my neckship status fully.
ReplyDeleteFree life all the way